So, your new to web development. OR even if you’re not you’ve found yourself wondering “heck, what even is HTML”.
Well, HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is the language that web developers use to construct webpages, the building blocks for a house if you think about it like that.
For example, the text you are reading right now will be constructed using HTML <p> (text) </p> tags.
Two paragraphs up there is bold text “Hypertext Markup Language” this would either be put between <b><b> tags which stand for bold, or, be targeted using CSS, but CSS is something else entirely. To learn more on CSS.
To start leaning HTML, all you need is a code editor. Such as Visual studio code, atom etc. Open whichever editor you are choosing to use, create a new file, name it either index.html or “file-name”.html. As long as you remember to put a .html at the end, this is very important.
Html files need basic shells, this is to tell the browser how to construct your webpage/ html document. The shell goes like this –